In-House Sub-Status


Purpose #1: In-House Sub-Status was designed to allow you to move a Claim throughout your Company sequentially, so you always know what stage of a Claim's life-cycle is currently at.

As a Claim gets a unique status change (parts ordered, waiting for model/serial tag), it should be given a designated sub-status so anyone that opens the Claim will quickly be able to know the Claim's state by looking at the sub-status and then reviewing the comments.

Tip #1: The most important part of all of this is setting up your sub-statuses, so they utilize department codes (numeric is recommended).

Purpose #2: One key feature that sub-status usage allows you to achieve, is that in most cases, you can eliminate all outbound calling when sub-status is fully implemented.

Tip #2: Instead of calling your customers, create a sub-status which will automatically text your customer when it's assigned a new sub-status.

First Image: At first glance this is over whelming. But if you look closely you'll notice each department is given its numeric group code.

000 Group - Entitlement dept

100 Group - CSR dept

200 Group - Triage dept

300 Group - Parts dept

400 & 600 Group - Finance dept

Second Image: This image shows the life-cycle flow, and how sub-status is implemented to move the job along as it changes states.

*** At the bottom of this image is a section for you to download an Excel file, so you can quickly get started.

Excel File: This was built as a guide to get you started.

Sub Status.xlsx

Questions? or text us 510-422-0079